Pop Art & Pop Tarts, April 30
There’s chemistry when art and science mix and mingle! For a STEAMy good time, visit Steenbock (Science & Engineering) and Kohler (Art) Libraries for a special event featuring materials and gear from the “Think, Make Investigate” carts and kits paired with the books and subject expertise of art librarians.
Staff will be serving up:
- Inspiration by way of famous works of Pop Art,
- Tools to recreate and riff on them, and…
- The ultimate in culinary Pop Art — the Pop-Tart!
Pop Art & Pop-Tarts will debut at Steenbock Library on Tuesday, April 30 (5:00-6:30 PM) and Kohler Art Library, Thursday, May 2 (10:30 AM-12:30 PM).
Consider this event your short Warhol-iday before finals!