Post-Graduation UW-Madison Alumni Library Privileges
Attention graduating students! Are you suddenly realizing how much the library has meant to you? Feeling panicked about losing access to all of our resources once you receive your diploma? Graduation is not the end! Not entirely, at least.
Your library privileges will continue until September 15, 2021. After that, you have options to consider:
- Courtesy Card: you are eligible for this card if you become a city/county/state employee, a Wisconsin public school K-12 educator, or if you are a spouse/domestic partner of a UW-Madison faculty, staff or student. There are other categories that could qualify you for a Courtesy Card, but these are the most likely ones for new or recent graduates.
- Annual Fee Card: For $40 ($20 for those 62 or older), you may continue to borrow UW-Madison Libraries materials and place Requests to have physical copies held for pickup—the only option for the time being remains our Pickup by Appointment service.
- Friends of the Library: The annual fee amount varies, but you will have the satisfaction of supporting the work of UW-Madison Libraries and being known as one of the Friends! You may continue to borrow UW-Madison Libraries materials and place Requests to have physical copies held for pickup.
The following services are NOT available to alumni:
- Borrow UW System materials
- Interlibrary Loan
- Access to UW-Madison licensed online resources from off campus
- Remote Delivery
Anyone may access UW-Madison licensed online resources from computers in campus libraries—which are much easier to enter when we’re not living through a global pandemic, of course. We will still be operating under our COVID-19 pandemic protocols for in-person collection access throughout Summer 2021. If you can’t bear the thought of living without constant access to such resources as Naxos Music Library or Oxford Music Online, then we encourage you to consider their individual subscription offers:
- Naxos Music Library: Premium Quality Recurring Annual ($315), Standard Quality Recurring Annual ($210), Premium Quality Recurring Monthly ($31.50), Standard Quality Recurring Monthly ($21). These prices good for May 6, 2021 – May 5, 2022 for annual, May 6, 2021 – June 5, 2021 for monthly.
- Oxford Music Online: Annual Subscription ($195), Monthly Subscription ($29.95).