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The First Floor Reading Room is a quiet study area that contains circulating bound copies of journals. These journals do circulate, but the primary purpose of this room is for quiet, individual study.
The Michael B. Petrovich Reading Room is a quiet study area that contains the Library’s Slavic & East European Studies Collection, a collection of books, serials, and reference materials in East European, Slavic and Turkic studies. These materials are for reference use and are non-circulating.
Current Periodicals and Newspapers Room is a quiet study area that houses current issues of some of the more heavily used and popular journals and newspapers.
This room contains the Reference Collection, the Reference Desk, and the Grants Information Collection. This is a collaborative study space. Memorial Library has several designated quiet areas, including all of the other reading rooms listed above.
This reading room is a quiet study area that contains the East Asian Reference Collection, also current issues of some popular periodicals in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. These are non-circulating materials. Tibetan Collection books of all formats and sizes are shelved Room 412. These are circulating materials. More information on these collections.