Current Periodicals & Newspaper Reading Room – (240)

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Hours: Hours are the same as the building hours

Space and Collections Update

The Periodicals Reading Room is undergoing some renovations. Please excuse our dust during construction!

Collections location update:

  • Daily and weekly newspapers are now located in the Reference Reading Room (262)
  • Many journals and magazines are now located in the stacks. Find the location by searching for the journal title in the Library Catalog
  • Some international newspapers and other periodicals are still in the Periodicals Reading Room

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Collections – General Information

Journals and Magazines

  • Current unbound issues of approximately 700 of Memorial Library’s most heavily used journals and magazines are located here. Many other titles are received directly into the stacks.
  • We subscribe to many new magazines, business journals, women’s magazines, tabloids, and other popular magazines from around the world.
  • Periodicals are arranged alphabetically by title or organization and are located on the open shelves in the room.
Collections - Current Periodicals


  • Current issues of local & U.S. and 37 international newspapers are also available in the room. Both international and domestic newspapers are shelved separately from the journals.
  • Issues of local & U.S. newspapers are generally kept for only one week, and issues of international newspapers are generally kept for only 3 months–look here for more information about how to find back issues.

Periodicals and newspapers cannot be checked out or taken out of the room. All must be used within the room. A photocopier is available in the room.

Collection Lists: The Current Periodicals and Newspapers Room staff maintains several paper lists of journals and newspapers to help users of the room locate what they need. Some of those lists are:

  • Alphabetical list of journals and newspapers
  • Journals and newspapers by country of publication
  • Journals and newspapers by primary language
  • Journals by subject
  • Popular magazines from various countries

Please note that these lists are only updated once a semester so while they can be helpful, the most up to date information will always be found in the Library Catalog.