Computer Lab
See a list of software installed on computers in the iSchool computer lab.
Available 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
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Search the physical and online collections at UW-Madison, UW System libraries, and the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Find databases subscribed to by UW-Madison Libraries, searchable by title and description.
Find journal titles available online and in print.
Find articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, and more.
Discover digital objects and collections curated by the UW-Digital Collections Center.
See a list of software installed on computers in the iSchool computer lab.
General information and frequently asked questions related to course reserves.
Checkout a variety of equipment at the front desk, including hard drives, projectors, and other audio-visual equipment.
Reserve audiovisual equipment to checkout at a later time, including portable projectors, audio recorders, video cameras, and microphones.
Archives of iSchool Students’ field experience in library and information agencies
Reserve rooms for class, event, or study in the iSchool Library, including the iSchool computer lab, the cat lab, and the seminar room
iSchool Library serves iSchool faculty.
iSchool library serves iSchool distance students.
The iSchool Library makes every effort to support student organizations. Here are the services we provide to the iSchool student organizations: Room […]