2019-2020: Mario Carrillo

Mario Carrillo was hired to be Student Historian for the 2019/2020 academic year. Unfortunately, Mario had to leave the position but his intention was to research the Chicano Civil Rights Movement in Madison.

Mario Carrillo

Hello, my name is Mario Carrillo. I’m a senior studying political science, economics, and philosophy at UW-Madison. I have been involved with student activism since my freshman year, and have recently become the campus coordinator for First Generation Student Success, a student group dedicated to first generation students like me. On my down time, I enjoy playing basketball and eating french fries, but perhaps more relevant to my new role as Student Historian in Resident, I’m a Latinx student from an immigrant family with a deep interest in labor, activism, immigration history, and how they intersect with the Latinx experience in this country.

Read more Mario’s introduction in “Mario Carrillo, Student Historian in Residence 2019/2020