Narrative Images: Jim Lee & Blue Moon Press

On display are 20 artists’ books and broadsides by UW-Madison alumnus Jim Lee, a printmaker, draughtsman, and book artist from the Midwest. His work focuses on nature, especially the depiction of landscape as seen in his New England Orchard, Connecticut River, Ireland, and Nova Scotia series. From drawings, pastels, or watercolors executed onsite, Lee then develops his prints, which are usually color reduction woodcuts, but also relief etchings, and linocuts.

Productive Bodies, MFA Show by Chelsea Thompto

Productive Bodies by Chelsea Thompto explores transgender identity in relation to questions of visualization as violence, technology in relation to the body, and how we conceive of the boundaries of the self.


This exhibit of book arts hopes to inspire you to become actively engaged in the fight to preserve our planet. These artists’ books tackle the global environmental crisis that puts our future at risk. The increasing rate of climate change dramatically impacts our economy, health, food supply, air and water quality, and other aspects of life.