Services for Information School Faculty

Computer Lab and Equipment Reservation

Information School faculty may reserve audiovisual equipment for Information School classes or department events. Faculty members will be asked two weeks prior to each semester to reserve the lab or any equipment that they expect to use on a regular basis. Please email the iSchool Library at to check availability and make reservations. We will make every effort to accommodate requests and provide everyone with needed equipment.

If the Information School Library does not own the items, we might purchase, rent, or borrow items if possible. Please plan as far ahead as possible when requesting equipment, or when requesting production assistance.

Course Reserves

The Information School Library maintains print and electronic reserves for all LIS courses offered each semester. These reserves are designed to make course readings easily accessible for Information School students. With your cooperation, we can keep the reserves process smooth, straightforward, and convenient for you and your students. For more information, click here.

Purchase Requests & Suggestions

For items within the Information School Library collection scope communicating directly with the Information School Library using purchase request form is best. Please indicate the urgency of the request, ie a suggestion or “I need this as soon as possible.” For materials likely better housed at another campus library, please use the UW Libraries online purchase request form.

Reference/ Literature Review

Information School Library student staff are an excellent resource for assistance with a lit review when you are starting a new project or need more information for something you are discussing in lecture. (This is also great practice reference practice for them!) The next time you are thinking, “if only I had a PA” to get this going, think about using your library staff. Besides resource lists, students can write up a memo or short “white paper” on your topic. Please email the Information School Library at for more information.

Workshops and Technology Tutorials

The Information School Library provides workshops in the computer lab on orientation days and during the semester. We cover a range of topics to introduce electronic resources and applications and to help create another space for “play” with the technology rich world Information School students want and need to be comfortable with to be successful. Often topics are chosen based on previous workshop evaluations and student staff interest. Recent topics include: UW library resources, LIS databases, Newspaper Databases, HTML, Zotero, Refworks, Koha, Jing, WordPress.

General workshop topic suggestions from faculty are always very welcome. Customized workshops for direct class support may also be developed and provided. Please email the iSchool Library at with your workshop ideas.