Selection Criteria

Submissions will be judged based on how well they demonstrate the following:

Basic Proficient Advanced
Research Question, Research Plan, or Thesis Statement Research question/plan or thesis statement is clear and identifies useful keywords Basic + plan/question also accounts for scope Proficient + shows an interest in gaps in existing research and/or a re-examination
Search Strategy –Resource Selection Sources are found using research tools not specific or appropriate to the discipline/subject Sources are found using research tools appropriate to the discipline/subject Proficient + demonstrated creative/flexible use of research tools
Search Strategy – Search Process A non-iterative search process that relies almost exclusively on keyword searches An iterative search process that relies on keywords, subject terms, and search limiters Proficient + evidence of critical thought about searching
Choice of Sources Choice of sources has not been carefully considered. Appears to be driven by results lists or availability Choice of sources has been given careful consideration Choice of sources is thoughtful and representative of existing research on the topic
Evaluation of Sources Sources are related to the topic, but do not account for multiple perspectives Sources are related to the topic with some consideration for debate or differences of opinion Sources represent an appropriate range of opinion and debate on the topic
Use of Sources in Context Sources are cited at appropriate points, but analysis and integration are lacking Sources are cited at appropriate points and the sources are well-integrated (they are commented on or analyzed in context) Proficient + use of multiple sources and original argument in concert
Use of Sources in Context: Non-Traditional Sources Non-traditional sources (open web sources, social media, etc.) are used where scholarship or books would have been more appropriate Traditional and non-traditional sources are used, though the process for inclusion is unclear Traditional and non-traditional sources are used in a creative and coherent way
Ethical Use of Sources Sources are cited, but often inconsistently or incorrectly Sources are cited, but sometimes inconsistently or incorrectly Sources are cited consistently and correctly
Overall Quality

Research lacks originality

Writing is unclear or difficult to follow. Errors are evident and frequent

Research represents a new approach to existing thought or work in the topic/subject


Writing is clear. Errors are minimal

 Research is an original contribution to the topic/subject

Writing is engaging. Errors are nearly nonexistent