New Anti-Racism Titles

August 14, 2020

by Sammy Fogel, ISIP Intern

There has arguably never been a moment in American history quite like the one we are currently living through. As the world quarantined, the senseless murder of yet another unarmed black man, George Floyd of Minneapolis, awakened lively protests across the country and the world. Similarly heinous crimes have brought sustained protests in the past, but rarely, if ever before, with both the zeal and longevity that the current moment holds. But to dub this movement a mere “moment” is to erase the systemic injustices which have been leveled against people of color for centuries, injustices without which there would be no United States of America. “Black Lives Matter” is not just a trendy slogan to be adopted haphazardly by every corporate PR team in the country, but a necessary reorientation of the fabric underpinning American life.

The books below are by no means an exhaustive list, nor do they intend to provide a complete picture of how to think or feel about racism in America and its institutions. The intent is to provide a jumping off point, perhaps towards more reading, but more importantly, towards more anti-racist work, towards a fight against the institutions which constrain black lives day in and day out.