Bike to the Library
This Saturday, Sept. 26, is Bike-to-the-Library Day in Wisconsin! Inspired by the Climate Change Policy and Public Health MOOC at UW-Madison, the event promises to raise awareness to support a more walkable and bikable community.
A display in the 1st Floor Center of College Library brings together library books and materials provided by Wisconsin Bike Fed, the country’s largest, statewide bicycle organization. Stop by and pick up literature on topics ranging from buying the right bicycle to riding in groups. Also on display are recent BikeFed magazines and an easy-to-carry (and consult) list of bike laws in the state.
Many College Library staff use bicycles to commute to the library daily and the numerous bicycle racks adjacent to the library make this a user-friendly destination. Another resource in Helen C. White Hall is the University Bicycle Resource Center located in the northeast corner of the ground-level parking garage directly beneath the building. Open Monday through Thursday from 4-8 p.m., the center offers expertise and free use of tools, lube, and air-pumps so that riders can perform their own bicycle maintenance. If you need a quick repair during a time the center is not open, a number of tools, lifts, etc., are available around the clock. The student staff also give free workshops, like their upcoming one on “Rear Wheel Removal and ABC Quick Check” which is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 14, from 6-7:30 p.m. (no registration required, first 20 to arrive are accepted).
We hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to ride your bike to your favorite library this weekend and scout the location of the Bicycle Resource Center. For more information on Bike-to-the-Library, please visit their Website.