Tours of Room 3250 on Monday
Both Wisconsin Collaboratory for Enhanced Learning (WisCEL) Center spaces in College Library and Wendt Commons are now open for use, although they are still “works in progress” and don’t officially open until the beginning of spring semester. There is too much wonderful space ready and available for use to keep the spaces waiting until completely done. Please know that some furniture is still expected, temperature and lighting controls are continuing to be worked on, help desks will be installed, and other finishing touches are underway.
The Grand Opening of the two WisCEL Centers is February 28th, 2012, 3-5pm. However, “Sneak Peek” tours are being offered on Monday, November 21, 2011 for anyone eager to see the new spaces and learn more about WisCEL. Stop by Room 3250 College Library or the 4th Floor of Wendt Commons anytime between 10am and 6pm on the 21st for on-demand 15-minute tours. Learn about the WisCEL approach to teaching, how the Centers facilitate a variety of uses to support learning, and the availability of the spaces for general library users outside of WisCEL instructional activity. Library and WisCEL staff will be available to show you around and answer your questions. For more details, see the WisCEL Web site.
For additional information or to schedule a group tour for another time, contact Suzanne Smith, WisCEL Coordinator.