Market Research

Best Bets

Data Axle Reference Solutions
Formerly known as ReferenceUSA, Data Axle Reference Solutions contains directory information on U.S. and Canadian business, health care, and residential listings. Search by company name, geographic area, business type, SIC code, yellow page listing, revenue, location, number of employees or any combination of the above. In addition to address and phone number, each entry includes officer names and titles, corporate affiliation, business type and size of yellow page advertising. Toll free and fax numbers are given for some companies.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Daily research articles, analyst reports, and a database of e-business and online marketing statistics that provide insights and trends related to digital advertising, marketing, media, and commerce.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Mintel Academic
In-depth reports from 2001-present that analyze market size and segmentation, consumer attitudes, and marketing strategies relative to hundreds of consumer products in the United States. Lifestyle reports such as “Green Marketing” and “Spending Habits of the Teen Consumer” are also available. (New reports issued monthly)
Access: All access requires a UW-Madison NetID to log in. You must be a current UW-Madison faculty member, student, or staff to use this database either on or off-campus.

Passport (Euromonitor International)
Global market research database providing insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide, to assist users to analyze market context and identify future trends impacting businesses globally.
Access: All access requires a UW-Madison NetID to log in. You must be a current UW-Madison faculty member, student, or staff to use this database either on or off-campus.

Simmons Insights (Simmons Research)
U.S. consumer data including demographics, psychographics, product usage, spending behavior and media habits. The data is compiled from the Simmons National Consumer Study of U.S. adults age 18 and older which is conducted each year. (Updated bi-annually) It includes three main database features: Crosstabs; GeoMapping; and Quick Reports
User Guide: Please see our Tutorials and Help Pages for assistance with creating reports and interpreting the results.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only. Licensed for 50 simultaneous users.

Web-based mapping application that lets users create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using thousands of U.S. demographic, business, health, and marketing data. SimplyAnalytics contains extensive data including the Census and American Community Survey (ACS), consumer spending from the (CEX), Business Counts and the D&B business points-of-interest file. Users also have access to Nielsen Scarborough Cross-Tabs with survey data from over 140 large and mid-tier markets with local shopping habits, media preferences, technology adoption, social media use, and more. Data is available at the State, Congressional District, County, DMA, City, School and Legislative District, ZIP Code, Census Tract and Block Group level as well as custom trade area and the entire United States. Updated daily.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Searchable collection of market and consumer data from wide range of sources: government, NGOs, industry, marketing and trade groups. Statista includes ready-made statistical charts, graphs and tables on marketing, demographics, communication, technology, politics, health, leisure and public opinion polls. About 20 percent of the data in Statista comes from government sources like the World Bank and the U.S. Census. The rest comes from industry, marketing, and trade groups. The tables, charts and graphs can be downloaded as images or into Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel.
Access: Available in Grainger Hall only (not wireless). This includes Business Learning Commons, Huber Lab and Finance & Analytics Lab. No remote access is permitted.

Technavio provides over 17,000 marketing research reports for over 100 industry segments and over 800 niche and emerging technologies.
Access: All access requires a UW-Madison NetID to log in. You must be a current UW-Madison faculty member, student, or staff to use this database either on or off-campus. PDFs of reports must be requested using a “” email address.

Also Helpful

American FactFinder (U.S. Census Bureau)
Census data for the United States and Puerto Rico from 2000-present. Includes the Decennial Census, the American Community Survey, and the Economic Census, among other surveys. Download data or create thematic maps from any table that displays more than one geography of the same type (state, county, etc.).
Access: Available to everyone.

Business Premium Collection (ProQuest)
The most comprehensive business offering, comprising all content from: ABI/INFORM Collection; Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection; Asian and European Business Collection; Business Market Research Collection; and Entrepreneurship Database. With global coverage in business and economics, the collection features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, and working papers, as well as trade publications, market research reports, and key periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Economist.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Scholarly, trade, and popular business publications covering all business disciplines. Includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses. (Updated daily)
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only. This resource is also available for use by all Wisconsin residents through BadgerLink.

Country Commercial Guides on (International Trade Administration)
Market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business customs for over 125 countries prepared by trade and industry experts at U.S. embassies worldwide.
Access: Available to everyone.

Edison Research
The Resources page offers free downloads of all of Edison’s publicly-available research including The Infinite Dial, America’s longest running research series measuring digital platforms and their impact on the media landscape. Other reports include The Podcast Consumer, Moms and Media, and The Social Habit.
Access: Available to everyone.

IBISWorld: Industry Reports
Market research reports on over 700 different industries in the United States, organized by NAICS code. The reports include key statistics, market segmentation, life cycle, regulation, market share, industry outlook, and more.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

IBISWorld: ProcurementIQ Reports
Includes over 900 reports on indirect purchasing lines and products. These reports show information on pricing environments, including key trends and forecasts, product characteristics, market share, supply chain vendors, and purchasing processes. In addition, the reports cover many different markets ranging from “fire doors” and “data mining services” to “explosives” and “language schooling.”
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Provides company profiles, industry reports, financial deal reports and,country reports. Also contains case studies. Industry profiles include Porter’s Five Forces.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Proquest One Business
Online business library database of millions of full-text items across scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos and more. The database includes company, industry and country reports; in-depth analyst reports from J.P. Morgan; and scholarly journal and ebook coverage from hundreds of publishers. Includes full text of The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and the Financial Times. ProQuest One Business contains all content previously available in other databases, including Business Premium Collection, ABI/INFORM, and J.P. Morgan Research.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Richard K. Miller E-Book Collection (RKMA)
Comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications (including titles from Crain Communications). Incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. (Updated daily)
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Social Explorer
Current and historical U.S. census data and demographic information. Create maps and reports at all geographic levels including the state, county, census tract, block group, zip code and census place. Of special interest are the the entire US Census from 1790 to 2010, the American Community Survey, and the Religious Congregations and Membership Study (RCMS). (Updated continuously)
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only. Licensed for 3 simultaneous users.

WGSN Insight
WGSN Insights provides bite-sized updates and thought starters, alongside in-depth white papers, videos and podcasts. It is a trend forecasting service that includes what’s new and next in several industries including apparel, beauty, retail, food & beverages, sustainability, travel, technology, and more. The database also provides trends by generations and social media platforms.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.

Variety Intelligence Platform (Variety Media)
Database that offers analysis, commentary, and data around different topics impacting the media industry.
Access: Available to anyone on-campus. Available off campus for UW-Madison students, faculty and staff only.