Shakespeare in Wisconsin 2016
In concert with the celebration of Shakespeare in Wisconsin 2016, we are pleased to announce that our copy of Shakespeare’s Second Folio is now available in digitized form in the UW-Madison Libraries Digital Collections. For more about our copy and details of the digitizing project, see blog posts from the perspectives of Special Collections and UW Digital Library Services.

The virtual table of contents provides a guide to the contents complete with any variant spellings in the original but with the addition of page numbers. As Jesse Henderson of UW Digital Collections Center explains, when pagination errors were obvious, the correct number was added in square brackets; there were some jumps in pagination in the print volume, and those were simply transcribed. Moreover, the pagination restarted for the histories and then again for the tragedies.

Additional images showing details of annotations in the gutter appear after the page in question. For example,
and a closer view of the annotation in John Horne Tooke’s hand, substituting “Ford” for “Shal” on page 45:
And be sure to mark your calendars for the kickoff events of Lit Fest: Shakespeare in Wisconsin on April 20, including an evening with Anna Deavere Smith.