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203 days (2006)
R726.8 T96 2006
Aging in America : the years ahead (2003)
HQ1064 U5 A35 2003 [VHS] HQ1064 U5 A45 2003 [DVD]
Alcohol : a women’s health issue (2002)
HV5137 A389 2002
Alzheimer disease: the patient’s perspective (2005)
RC523 A3965 2005 [VHS] RC523 A3965 2005 [DVD]
Alzheimer’s disease: a multi-cultural perspective (1992)
RC523 .A37 1992 [DVD 2013] RC523 A59 1992 [VHS]
American Indian concepts of health and unwellness (1990)
E98 M4 L63 1990
The anxious patient (1979)
RC552 H8 A59 1979
Big mama (2000)
HQ759.9 B54 2000 [VHS] [Black Studies/streaming 2000] [Films on Demand/streaming 2012]
Breast cancer (2003)
RC280 B8 B67 2003
Can you hear me? (1998)
Care of the dying (1993)
A closer walk (2003) [AIDS/ HIV]
RA644 A25 C5 2003 [VHS]
Cold storage : ethical issues in the end-stage of life (2007?)
PS3568 I2 C6 2007
Conspiracy of silence : helping the patient and family live with terminal illness (1993)
BF789 D4 C66 1993
Crack cocaine (2000) [effects on body]
HV5810 A23 2000
Cultural diversity in death, dying and grief : customs and traditions : Latino/Hispanic, Asian, African
American and Native American (2004)
R726.8 C85 2004
The depressed patient (1979)
RC537 O94 1979
Developing cultural competency (2002)
RT61 D47 2002
Difficult conversations in pediatric palliative care (2004)
R726.8 D5 2004
Domestic violence and healthcare : best practices in action (2010)
HV6626.2 .D662 2010
d-up : defend yourself! (2010?)
HQ76.27 A37 D8 2010
Dying with dignity : experiences in the Netherlands (2001)
R726 D436 2001
Gen silent (2011)
HQ76.27 O44 G46 2011 [DVD]
Gray days (2005)
HV9469 G73 2005
Growing up & growing old: caring for our parents (2002)
HQ1063.6 G76 2002
Growing up Hispanic : children in crisis (2003)
E184 S7 G7 2003 [[VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2006]
Healing the spirit : treatment of depression among the Asian elderly (2005)
RC537.5 H43 2005
Health care in Vietnam (1980)
RA541 V5 L33 1980
Healthcare for the homeless: you can never give up (1991)
RA564.9 H63 A2 1991
Heroin : what’s the real dope? (2001)
HV5822 H4 H48 2001
I need it to make sense: reflections on caring for dying children and their families (2003)
R726.8 I2 2003
Illness in the family : children confronting uncertainty (2011)
RA777.7 .I45 2011
Letting go: a hospice journey (2003)[hospice team]
R726.8 L45 2003
A Lion in the house: five children, six years : true stories from the war on cancer
RC281 C4 L56 2006
Love & Diane (2003)
HV5833 N45 L688 2003
Matters of life and death: the role of ethics and faith in medicine (2002)
R724 M29 2002
Meth : what’s cooking in your neighborhood? (2002)
HV5822 A5 M48 2002
More than a thousand tomorrows (2003)
RC523 M67 2003 [VHS]
Motivational interviewing in medical settings (1998)
R727.3 M68 1998
One journey—many voices: conversations about serious illness & dying (2003)
RA418.3 U6 O54 2003
Palliative care : care for terminally ill patients (2003)
R726.8 P35 2003
Partners in recovery : creating successful practitioner-consumer alliances (2000)
RC480.5 P37 2000
Pathways to health: American Indian women’s breast cancer risk and treatment (1996)
RC280 B8 P38 1996
Perfect illusions : eating disorders and the family (2002)
RC552 E18 P47 2002
Positive images of aging (2007)
HQ1061 P66 2007 [DVD] [Docuseek2/streaming 2007]
Restoring the sacred circle (2002)
E98 A27 R47 2002
Rethinking the demographics of addiction : helping older adults find recovery (2004)
RC451.4 A5 R47 2004
Role of the social worker in terminal care (1996)
HV3000 R65 1996
The Senior Gems : your guide to supporting family members with dementia (2011)
RC523 S46 2011
Spirituality in palliative care (2003)
R726.8 S65 2003
Substance abuse in the elderly (2000)
RC564.5 A34 S82 2000 [VHS] [Films on Demand/streaming 2005]
Teenage suicide : the silent threat[eating disorder / depression]
HV6546 T445 2002
Time out: the truth about HIV, AIDS, and you (1992)
RC607 A26 T56 1992
Trading beliefs: four Hmong families consider relinquishing their traditional health beliefs (1997)
E184 H55 T73 1997
Treatment issues for women (1992)[substance abuse]
RC546 T74 1992
203 days (2006)
R726.8 T96 2006
Understanding me : the younger resident’s perspective (2006)
RC454.5 M3 U54 2006
Unnatural causes : is inequality making us sick? (2008)
RA448.4 U53 2008 [DVD] [Black Studies/streaming 2008]
When chronic illness strikes your family (1989)
RC108 M437 1989
When the mind causes pain (2004)[Aaron Beck]
RB127 W54 2004
You’re looking at me like I live here and I don’t (2012)
RC523.3 Y68 2012 [DVD]