Information for Authors

Managing Your Copyright

When working with a publisher, taking an active role in managing your copyright will allow you to retain the rights you need to do your work and provide others with the rights to reuse your work in ways you wish and deem appropriate.

How To Use Others’ Materials

Throughout your academic and professional career you will regularly create documents and other resources that incorporate the work of others. Copyright law automatically allows you to use others’ work in some ways and requires you to get permission to use it in other ways.

Choosing Where to Publish Your Article

Many factors go into determining where to submit an article for publication. Depending on your discipline, the fields of study related to your article, the stage of your career, and your overall goals for publishing, different journals may be right or you.

Instructional Content Being Shared Without Your Permission?

If you are concerned about your instructional materials being shared or used without your permission, these guidelines can help.