Steps for Authors

1.  Anticipate your future needs to use the materials

  • Consider how you or others will need to use your work in the future and request reasonable rights for yourself and your institution.
  • Some basic rights you should try to reserve are:
    • Use for teaching purposes – in classroom, distance education, and lectures or seminars
    • Posting to your personal website and/or to an institutional or subject repository (e.g. MINDS@UW, PubMedCentral for NIH grantees)
    • Sharing with colleagues
    • Making derivative works

2. Understand the publication agreement and the rights it gives you as an author

  • Before signing the publication agreement read the fine print
  • Ask questions to make sure you understand what rights it gives you as an author
  • Consult with the UW-Madison Libraries who can help you understand the implications of the rights outlined in the publication agreement

3. Negotiate with the publisher to retain the rights you need

  • Do not be afraid to negotiate. Publishers are interested in your work and are often used to getting such request.
  • Use the tools below, which outline your options for managing copyright and resources that may facilitate your negotiations and consult with the Libraries for assistance
  • If the publisher says “no”, make sure you understand why and then you can weigh your options: consider negotiating fewer rights for yourself, accept the agreement as it stands or consider another publisher. You must do what is right for you

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