Cambridge Structure Database

The Cambridge Structure Database is the world’s repository of experimentally determined organic and metal-organic crystal structures.  UW-Madison affiliates have two different methods to access this database.


WebCSD provides a quick entrance to the CSD data that can be accessed from any computer using your UW-Madison NetID and password.  WebCSD does not offer as many searching options or analysis tools as the full version of the CSD, but it contains the same data and will be useful for most users.

Access WebCSD

Cambridge Structural Database System (CSDS)

The CSDS contains several modules that can be used to search the database, analyze data, and visualize structures:

  • ConQuest – Search and retrieve data from the CSDS
  • Mercury – Visualize and analyze CSD data
  • IsoStar – A knowledge-based library of intermolecular interactions
  • Mogul – Validate molecular geometry
  • PreQuest – Build searchable databases of in-house crystal structures

The CSDS is available for download from by contacting librarian Ariel Andrea. It can only be installed on UW-Madison campus computers by UW-Madison students and staff. Licenses must be updated annually.