Articles in Periodicals and Anthologies

Chemerinsky, E., Goodwin, M. (2017). Abortion: A Woman’s Private Choice. Texas Law Review, 95(6), 1189-1247.

Engstrom, A. (2016). The Hyde Amendment: Perpetuating Injustice and Discrimination After Thirty-Nine Years. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 25(2), 1-35.

Greenhouse, L., Siegel, R. (2016). Casey and the Clinic Closings: When “Protecting Health” Obstructs Choice. Yale Law Journal, 125(5), 1428-1480.

Herd, P., Higgins, J., Sicinski, K., Merkurieva, I. (2016). The Implications of Unintended Pregnancies for Mental Health in Later Life. American Journal of Public Health, 106(3), 421-429.

Kimport, K., Weitz, T.A., Freedman, L. (2016). The Stratified Legitimacy of Abortions. Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 57(4), 503-516.

McGee, B. Pregnancy as Punishment for Low-Income Sexual Assault Victims: An Analysis of South Dakota’s Denial of Medicaid-Funded Abortion for Rape and Incest Victims and Why the Hyde Amendment Must Be Repealed. (2016). George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal, 26(4), 77-118.

Morrison, S.R. (2016). Personhood Amendments After Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. Case Western Reserve Law Review, 67(2), 447-499.

Paul, M., Norton, M.E. (2016). Ensuring Access to Safe, Legal Abortion in an Increasingly Complex Regulatory Environment. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 128(1), 171-175.

Thakker, N. (2017). Undue Burden with a Bite: Shielding Reproductive Rights From the Jaws of Politics. University of Florida Journal of Law & Public Policy, 28(3), 431-474.

Woodruff, K., Biggs, M.A., Gould, H., Greene Foster, D. (2018). Attitudes Toward Abortion After Receiving vs. Being Denied an Abortion in the USA. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 1-12. DOI:10.1007/s13178-018-0325-1