CFP: 2019 4W Summit on Women, Gender and Well-Being
Call for Proposals
Students, Faculty, Staff, Community Activists and Artists Join Us!
2019 4W Summit on Women, Gender and Well-being
The University of Wisconsin Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium and the UW-Madison 4W Initiative (Women, Well-being, Wisconsin and the World) are pleased to announce the Fourth 4W Summit on Women, Gender, and Well-being and 42nd Wisconsin Women’s and Gender Studies Conference with the theme of Transformative Education: Then. When? Now!
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Pyle Center, Madison, WI USA | April 11-13, 2019
Due date for submissions: Thursday, November 1, 2018
Seeking proposals on the theme of Transformative Education: Then. When? Now! from across the disciplines addressing feminist perspectives on transformative education focused on women and gender in research, scholarship, program development, pedagogy, curriculum, creative work and/or community activism. We interpret ‘Transformative Education’ broadly and will consider proposals focused on topics of transformative progress in gender equity and women’s autonomy in and out of the academy, from self-defined community action, to UN Policy development, to grassroots advocacy, to institutional or classroom transformation, and beyond.
Proposals are especially welcome that address the use in women’s and gender studies of high impact practices (learning communities, service-learning, undergraduate research, internships and fieldwork, study abroad, and capstone senior experiences) that have been found to promote student learning and help in the retention of culturally and economically diverse students. Proposals about Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) projects addressing these issues are welcome too.
We seek responses from traditional disciplines as well as the fields of History, Women’s Studies, Gender Studies, LGBTQ Studies, and Sexuality Studies, especially as they as they intersect with such areas as: Ethnic Studies, Class Studies, Disability Studies, International Studies, Poverty Studies, Peace Studies, Global Health, and Environmental and/or Sustainability Studies, and other inter-disciplines.
Participants are encouraged to draw upon the range of perspectives on gender and social justice to examine the present and future of well-being and empowerment for women, girls and their families, in Wisconsin and the world.
Plan to join 100+ presenters: students, faculty, activists, artists, and community members, as we consider how gendered knowledge is created and experienced at the axes of identities, especially with regard to our bodies and the earth’s body.
The Organizing Committee invites proposals for individual papers, posters, pre-constituted panels, pre-constituted roundtables, and creative works that address one or more of the conference themes.
The due date for submissions is 11:59 PM (US Eastern Daylight Time) on Thursday, November 1, 2018.
Please submit your proposal here:
We welcome submissions from scholars, activists, artists, and students, community and campus groups, including those at the undergraduate level.
Open Call for Participation – Individuals submitting proposals are asked to provide a short abstract and affiliation and contact information for each of the participants. Co-authored papers are acceptable. Sessions are 45 minutes, 60 minutes or 75 minutes long, and will usually be shared.
Please direct any questions about the conference and the submission process to:
- Stephanie Rytilahti, Director, Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium, 4W Summit co-chair:
- Dace Zeps, Administrator, Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium, and for the Center for Research on Gender and Women:
See the website for last year’s 4W Summit, April 2018 4W Summit here: