Wisconsin Symposium on Feminist Biology: October 7, 2016
Center for Research on Gender & Women
Department of Gender & Women’s Studies
University of Wisconsin—Madison
Friday, October 7, 8:45 am – 5:00 pm
On Wisconsin rooms of the Red Gym
716 Langdon Street
Full symposium early bird $50 until October 1st, $70 after.
Students $15.
Includes breakfast and lunch Friday.
Register here.
8:30 Check-in and Continental Breakfast
9:00 Welcome
Janet Hyde
Director, Center for Research on Gender & Women
Judith Houck
Chair, Department of Gender & Women’s Studies
Marsha Mailick
Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
9:30 Keynote speaker
Marlene Zuk
Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
University of Minnesota
“Sex, Gender, and Animals”
This Lecture is Free and Open to the Public
10:45 Break
11:00 Featured speaker
Molly Carnes
Director, Center for Women’s Health Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Why Is Jack More Likely to Become Department Chair than Jill?“
Noon Lunch
1:00 Panel: Honoring the Legacy of Ruth Bleier
Judith Houck
Chair, Gender and Women’s Studies
“The Legacy of Ruth Bleier and Feminist Biology at Wisconsin“
Megan Coylewright, M.D., Bleier Award Winner
Nadja Eisenberg, Ph.D. Candidate in Cultural Anthropology, CUNY Grad Center, Ruth’s Granddaughter, Locating Difference: Feminist Biology and Feminist Anthropology
2:15 Posters and Break
3:00 Featured speaker
Ann Fink
2016-18 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wittig Postdoctoral Fellow in Feminist Biology
“The Feminist Neurobiology of Mental Health“
4:00 Keynote speaker
Kathryn Clancy
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Feminist Theory Informs Anthropological Research”
Submit a Poster
To submit an application to present a poster, email Dace Zeps, Administrator, Center for Research on Gender & Women, dazeps@wisc.edu by September 9th.
Include an attachment that provides the following information.
1. Your name, title, institution, and email address
2. A title and an abstract (maximum 500 words)
Made possible through the Gertraude Wittig Endowment
Co-sponsored by the Departments of Anthropology,
Psychology, Zoology, The 4W Initiative
Supported, in part, by the University Lectures Committee and The
Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute