Study Room Reservation

Reserve a Study Room

Study Rooms 2111 – 2135 will NOT be available during the Summer and Fall semesters due to remodeling.

Study Rooms may be reserved up to one week in advance and may be reserved for no more than two hours. Room keys are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk in the Business Library with a valid UW-Madison Wiscard.

Rooms will not be held for more than 15 minutes after the reserved time and may be re-assigned.

Depending on availability, an individual may reserve a room for an additional two-hour period after their initial time has expired.

Rooms must be vacated 15 minutes prior to the library closing time.

Room Blackboard Whiteboard Monitor Max Seats
Grainger 2210D no yes yes 4
Grainger 2210G no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210A no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210B no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210C no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210D no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210E no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210F no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210G no yes yes 4
Grainger 3210H no yes yes 4