Simmons Catalyst: Crosstab Data Definitions and Results

Crosstab Data Definitions

Total — Number of adults age 18+ in the US/Simmons Total Population.

Sample — the actual number of respondents to the Simmons survey who meet the specifications of both the Row and the Column.

Weighted (000) — a projection statistically derived from the actual number of survey respondents and which represents the number of adults in the U.S. population who meet the specifications of both the Row and the Column. When reading, add three zeros (000) to the end of the number.

Vert% — Vertical % or Percent Down. The percentage of people who have a given characteristic as defined by the Column heading.

Horz% — Horizontal % or Percent Across. The percentage of people who have a given characteristic as defined by the Row heading.

Index — Indicates the likelihood, compared to the total population, of meeting the specifications of both Column and Row. The base number for comparison is 100.  Over 100 is more likely, under 100 less likely, to meet the specification. Can be read as a percentage (121 = 21% more likely OR 92 = 8% less likely)

Base — Percentage of the currently selected base/filter that the cell represents.

Crosstab Results

Simmons Results


A single asterisk “*” in your crosstab result means the projections are relatively unstable and should be used with caution.

Two asterisks “**” means the projections are from thirty or fewer interviews. These results are not sufficiently reliable to be safely used alone.