Southeast Asian Studies Collection

southeast asian stacks

The Southeast Asian (SEA) Studies Collection available through the University of Wisconsin-Madison is a rich source of knowledge and discovery covering disciplines in all languages. In addition to meeting the teaching and research mission of the University, the UW-Madison SEA Collection serves a broader national cum international agenda as well.

Learn more about the Southeast Asian Studies Collection

Finding Books & Serials

The SEA Collection’s resources can be found through UW-Madison’s Library Catalog, which includes books, maps, newspapers, periodicals, and films, for example, as well as online resources, e.g., e-books, available at UW-Madison.

MadCat, the UW-Madison’s online library resources catalog, includes nearly all of the campus libraries and is the best place to begin to discover campus collections and available resources. All call numbers in MadCat include a library as part of their location. If unsure where a library is located, check the campus map or the list of all campus libraries. As the primary humanities and social sciences library, Memorial Library maintains the largest collection for the study of Southeast Asia on campus.

Library Catalog

For general tips on using the Library Catalog, see the libraries’ Research Tips and Tricks.

Check out a helpful tutorial on using Subject Headings from the Ibero-American Studies Bibliographer. It explains why relying on keyword searching is not always very reliable, especially when searching for resources in a different language.

For non-roman alphabet languages, such as some of Southeast Asia’s, there are different ways that a language may be transliterated (written in a different script). Most libraries in the United States, including UW-Madison, have agreed to use the American Library Association-Library of Congress’s system for transliteration. In order to “spell” a word correctly when searching our catalog, make sure to check the ALA-LC Transliteration Tables first. Each language is individually transliterated.

Research Guides

History of the Vietnam Wars
The History of the Vietnam Wars contains information on print and web resources at UW-Madison and elsewhere which deal with the history of the Vietnam Wars. It especially contains useful information for the History 319 course on “The Vietnam Wars”, and on the uniquely held Communist Propaganda from North Vietnam collection as well as the Pentagon Papers.

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