Bi Media

All media sources cited here, except for video games, fulfill one or both of the following requirements: 1) media made by a bisexual author/director/producer or 2) contains authentic portrayals of bisexual stories. Video games exist in a different paradigm of identity construction and characterization, as many video games allow for players to explore plurisexual romantic relationships without the implicit denoting of that character being bisexual, a concept known in the gaming community as “playersexuality.” Therefore, a distinction has been made between games who have playersexual characters and those that have bisexual ones.



  • Journal of Bisexuality
  • Journal of GLBT Family Studies
  • Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling
  • Journal of LGBT Youth
  • LGBT Health
  • LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal
  • Psychology and Sexuality
  • Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture

Media Analysis & Commentary