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Stephen Babcock

Stephen Babcock

Stephen Babcock in his lab

Stephen Babcock in his lab

Babcock testing milk

Dean Henry, President Chamberlin, Dr. Babcock and the milk tester

Dr. Babcock speaking from his porch

Babcock and his hollyhocks

Dr. Babcock receiving Capper Award check

Capper Award check

Stephen Babcock as a young man

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Babcock

Babcock tablet

Babcock commemorative collage

Babcock's pass to the Chicago World's Fair

Grand prize medal-St. Louis

Grand prize medal-Paris Expo

Babcock hollyhock becomes Madison's official flower

Babcock's home at 432 N. Lake St.

Babcock memorial hollyhocks

Milk testing at Balsam Lake School

Babcock memorial tablet